
Dr Felix Chuka Ezeh

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Profile of Dr Felix Chuka Ezeh (Senior Associate)

  • Dr. Ezeh obtained his bachelor’s degree in Agriculture from the University of Ife. A Chevening scholar, he attended the University of Reading for his M.Sc. Agricultural Management. He proceeded to Delta State University for an MBA in Marketing before embarking on his M.Sc. in Economics from the Enugu State University. He accentuated his academic pursuit with a PhD in Environmental Resources Management from Lagos State University.

  • Dr. Ezeh has worn a number of hats. He has been a lecturer, banker, an environmentalist, a consultant and now, an entrepreneurial lender.

  • He rose to the position of Lecturer I in academics before switching to banking. In banking, he worked in various areas across four banks as Head of Research and Strategy, Branch Manager, Regional Manager, Departmental Head and Divisional Head at different times. Dr Ezeh was until recently the Investment Executive/Country Manager for GroFin (a development finance institution focused on support for SMEs) in Nigeria.

  • He is a US Accredited SME Consultant (ASMEC), LEAD Fellow and Fellow, Institute of Credit Administration.

  • Dr. Ezeh, by his training and career, is one of those who believe that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are sure ways to a guaranteed and sustained economic development. He has special interest in the development, challenges and potential of SMEs.
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